sqflite Database Instrumentation

(New in version 7.2.0)

The sentry_sqflite package provides sqflite support for database instrumentation. The source can be found on GitHub. Note, that to capture transactions, you have to first set up performance monitoring.


Add the sentry_sqflite dependency to install the sqflite database instrumentation.

  sentry_flutter: ^7.10.1
  sentry_sqflite: ^7.10.1
  sqflite: ^2.0.0


There are four ways to configure the sqflite database instrumentation:

By using the global databaseFactory, (which is used by the openDatabase method). With this approach, every call to openDatabase will be instrumented, including from other packages:

import 'package:sentry_sqflite/sentry_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';

databaseFactory = SentrySqfliteDatabaseFactory();
final database = await openDatabase('path/to/db');

If you're using the FFI factories, you can instrument the SentrySqfliteDatabaseFactory with its factory:

import 'package:sentry_sqflite/sentry_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';

databaseFactory = SentrySqfliteDatabaseFactory(databaseFactory: databaseFactoryFfi);
final database = await openDatabase('path/to/db');

By using the openDatabaseWithSentry wrapper. With this approach, only the database opened with this method will be instrumented:

import 'package:sentry_sqflite/sentry_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';

final database = await openDatabaseWithSentry('path/to/db');
// or final database = await openReadOnlyDatabaseWithSentry('path/to/db');

By using the SentryDatabase wrapper, which can be used to instrument any Database instance:

import 'package:sentry_sqflite/sentry_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';

final database = await openDatabase('path/to/db');
final sentryDatabase = SentryDatabase(database);

After configuring via one of the above methods, every CRUD operation, including database transactions and batches, will be automatically instrumented and sent to Sentry.

The spans' operation are either db, db.sql.execute, db.sql.query or db.sql.transaction. Its description is the SQL statement using placeholders instead of its values due to the possibility of containing PII.

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