
Connect your Sentry and Vercel projects to automatically notify Sentry of every deployment and upload source maps for your Next.js application. To learn more about using Sentry in your Next.js app, check out the Next.js SDK.


  1. Visit

  2. Click "Add Integration" and follow the setup to select the Vercel scope, the Vercel projects, and review the app's permissions.

    Sentry modal showing Vercel installation

    Sentry modal showing Vercel internal integration


Use Vercel to link projects for uploading source maps and notifiying Sentry of release deployment.

Project Linking

  1. When prompted by the installer, select a Sentry

    projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
    and a Vercel project to link together.

    Sentry modal showing linking Sentry project to Vercel project

    • This step will generate environment variables in the selected Vercel project. Having these set means you can skip the CLI Configuration step in the Sentry webpack plugin setup. You can see these in Vercel in Project Settings > General > Environment Variables.

    Sentry modal showing linking Sentry project to Vercel project

    • SENTRY_ORG - the name of your Sentry organization
    • SENTRY_PROJECT - the name of your linked Sentry project
    • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN - the auth
      tokenIn search, a key-value pair or raw search term. Also, a value used for authorization.
      from the Vercel Internal Integration that was created upon installation
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN - the linked Sentry project's
      DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
      for usage in the Next.js SDK
  2. Redeploy your Vercel project in order to trigger a release.


  • If you have not already done so, instrument your code with Sentry.
  • Ensure you have installed a repository integration and added the relevant repository.
  • Add a Sentry bundler plugin to your bundler configuration (webpack plugin, Vite Plugin, Esbuild Plugin, Rollup Plugin). If you are using Sentry's Next.js, or SvelteKit SDKs this will already have been done for you.
  • In case you already have a Vercel
    projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
    integrated with Sentry, ensure the Sentry project you link is the one you're already using to report errors.


  1. You can uninstall the integration from Vercel or Sentry. To do so in Sentry, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Vercel > Configurations, click "Uninstall", and confirm.

  2. Delete the internal integration that was created by navigating to Settings > Developer Settings and clicking the trash can icon next to "Vercel Internal Integration". You will be prompted to confirm the deletion by entering a string provided in the modal. Enter the string and click "Confirm" to finalize the deletion:

    Sentry modal showing uninstalling Vercel integration


Failed to fetch

Failed to fetch error message

This issue typically occurs if you have an ad blocker blocking the conversation between Vercel and Sentry during setup. To remediate the issue, disable your ad blocker and go through the installation flow again.

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