Ownership Rules

Sentry offers multiple ways to define the "ownership" of an issue. With ownership defined, we can automatically assign issues and send alerts to the owner. Sentry defines ownership with code owners and ownership rules. Code owners functionality lets you import your GitHub or GitLab CODEOWNERS file, and then we assign issues according to those file paths. Ownership rules allow you to override the assignments based on code owners and provide advanced matcher types (for example, urls and tags). These rules can also match on the file paths of files in the stack trace, URL of the request, or event tags.

If a user manually assigns an issue after it has been automatically assigned by Sentry, future auto-assignment will be turned off for that issue.


Ownership rules and code owners are matched against individual events in an issue. This matching is relied upon in other areas of sentry.io, as described in the following sections.

Ownership Rules

You can set ownership by defining ownership rules per

projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
. To configure ownership rules, navigate to [Project] > Settings > Ownership Rules, or click on the "Create Ownership Rule" button on an Issue Details page.

Types of matches available:

  1. Path: matches against all file paths in the event's stack trace
  2. Module: matches against the module in the event's stack trace
  3. URL: matches against the event's url
  4. Tag: matches against event tags

The general format of a rule is: type:pattern owners

Can be either path, module, url, or tags.TAG_NAME, which matches the specified tag.

The pattern you're matching on. For example, src/javascript/* for path, [https://www.example.io/checkout](https://www.example.io/checkout) for url, or Chrome 81.0.* for tags.browser.

: pattern matching supports unix-style glob syntax. For example, add * to match anything and ? to match a single character. This is not a regex.

The owner, or list of owners, identified by either the email of the Sentry user or the name of the team, prefixed with #. Thus, the owner may be example@company.com or example1@company.com example2@company.com or #backend-team. A space separates each owner in the list of owners.

Teams must have access to the project to become owners. To grant a team access to a project, navigate to [Project] > Settings > Project Teams, and click "Add Team".

To grant a user access to a project, the user must be a member of a team with access to the project. To add a user to a team, navigate to Settings > Teams, select a team, and click "Add Member".

You can add an ownership rule from [Project] > Settings > Ownership Rules and click "Edit Rules":

Configuration options for defining ownership rules in project settings.

You can also add an ownership rule from the Issue Details page by clicking the cog icon in the "Assigned To" section of the sidebar:

Assigned to with cog

Configuration options for defining ownership rules from an issue page.

When you create a rule from the Issue Details page, you'll see some suggested paths and URLs based on the events in the issue. Note that sentry.io doesn't suggest tags.


We support ownership rules with up to 100,000 characters. If your rule exceeds this size, we suggest using wildcard rules to consolidate multiple entries into one.

Code Owners

Code Owners in UI

Import your CODEOWNERS file and use it alongside your ownership rules to assign Sentry issues. A prerequisite for this feature is the Code Mappings from stack trace linking.

To quickly setup a code mapping for a

projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.

  1. Go to an issue in your project. You should see the following option to link to your source code in the stack trace: Link Stack Trace
  2. When you click the link, a modal will open. Enter the source code URL from GitHub/GitLab corresponding to stack trace filename and we'll automatically create the code mapping and set up stack trace linking for the project.

Now that we have code mappings, we are able to transform the paths in your CODEOWNERS file to your expected build output. For example, you may build your program in a dist/ folder, but that will not be in your CODEOWNERS. However the dist/ prefix is captured in the stack trace's file paths. Code mappings allow Sentry to figure out how to normalize the file paths between your build output and the CODEOWNERS paths.

You can import and incrementally add the mappings between your "source control teams/users" and "Sentry Teams/users", using external team/user mappings. Sentry uses the "external team/user mappings" to convert the owners in your CODEOWNERS file into their equivalents in Sentry. Sentry will automatically ignore rules that are missing team/user mappings.

This feature supports GitHub and GitLab CODEOWNERS file syntax with the following exceptions:


We support CODEOWNERS files with a maximum size of 3MB. If your file exceeds this, we suggest using wildcard rules to consolidate multiple entries into one.

External Team/User Mappings

External team mappings for GitHub/Gitlab

External user mappings for GitHub/Gitlab

Create external team/user mappings for your GitHub/GitLab teams and users by navigating to Settings > Integrations > GitHub/GitLab > [Configuration] > Team Mappings/User Mappings. Suggestions will come from any CODEOWNERS files on projects for the organization.

Evaluation Flow

If you have both ownership rules and code owners, Sentry evaluates an event’s in-app frames against the rules in the following order:

  1. Code owners, top-to-bottom

    a. If there are multiple owners in the rule, left-to-right

  2. Ownership rules, top-to-bottom

    a. If there are multiple owners in the rule, left-to-right

After evaluation, the last rule matching returns the assignment. The order of the event’s stack trace filepaths is irrelevant in determining the rule assignment.


Code Owners:

codeowners:*.js                    #ecosystem

Ownership Rules:

path:*.js                          #ecosystem #frontend
path:sentry/api/*                  #api
url:*subscription*                 #billing
path:dist/frontend/components/*               #frontend

When Sentry receives an event with a stack trace filepath: dist/frontend/components/sidebar.js, we:

  1. Evaluate against the code owners top-to-bottom; we get one match with two owners in the rule.

    a. Evaluate the rule left-to-right; we choose the first owner.

  2. Evaluate against the ownership rules top-to-bottom; we get two matches.

The matches, in order, are:

  "codeowners:*.js                    #ecosystem",
  "path:*.js                          #ecosystem",
  "path:dist/frontend/components/*               #frontend"

Sentry will return the last matching rule, which in this case is path:dist/frontend/components/* #frontend

Where It's Applied

Once ownership rules are configured, they're applied in the following ways:

Suggested Assignees

On the Issue Details page, you'll see suggested assignees based on ownership rules matching the event you're looking at (by default, the Issue Details page shows the latest event). Suggested assignees can also be based on suspect commits. You can assign the issue to a suggested assignee by clicking on the suggestion. An event can have multiple suggested assignees if it matches multiple ownership rules.

Avatar icons of suggested assignees and ability to click on them for assignment.


You can automatically assign issues to their owners by enabling the "Auto-assign to issue owner" setting in [Project] > Settings > Ownership Rules.

Select from dropdown to automatically assign issues to their owners.

If an issue is already assigned, a new event for that issue will not re-assign the issue even if it has a different owner. If an issue is not assigned, but a new event has multiple owners, sentry.io assigns it to the owner(s) from the last matching rule (regardless of the rule type).


Ensure that all teams and users have the correct access to the

projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
. If they don't, Ownership Rules will fail to save. To grant a team access to a project, navigate to [Project] > Settings > Project Teams, and click "Add Team". Users need to have at least member-level access to the team that's associated with the project. To grant a user access to the team that's associated with the project, navigate to Settings > Teams, select a team, and then click "Add Member".

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